Tuesday, October 14, 2014

celebrating the little things

As some of you may know, it was my birthday this past weekend. My birthday honestly snuck up on me this year... I guess that's what happens when you grow up and you don't have age-related milestones to look forward to. I had so many things going on and before I knew it, it was October.

I think as I get older, I appreciate the simple things so much more. That doesn't mean I wasn't aware of them when I was younger, but when you grow up, you become truly grateful for things that once seemed so average.

[A card from my best friend's perfect mom.]
Thursday night was my family birthday celebration at a local restaurant. On Saturday, my boyfriend and I decided to go to brunch and then head up to Fort Ligonier Days. Fort Ligonier Days is a festival that commemorates the Battle of Fort Ligonier during the French and Indian War. Tyler and I ate our way through it, essentially. It was just what I wanted on my birthday. We also got to shop around at the cute little vendor booths and local boutiques. It goes without saying, I was in heaven.

In typical Greta fashion, I had to do some birthday shopping. Listed below are my purchases from Saturday.

1] Green Bubble Gorgeous olive oil soap
2] Curly Girl Design card
3] Blue Q makeup case

[Green Bubble Gorgeous soap | this smells like apple cider for your body, and it's organic!
Curly Girl card | the saying couldn't be more relevant. I'll probably frame this in my apartment.
Blue Q case | meant to be for pencils, but I think this would be adorable for makeup brushes and other little things.]

[I can't lie, I love when Tyler makes me go into the menswear shops. I love gathering inspiration from classic masculine pieces.]

[The Green Bubble Gorgeous booth was precious. I loved the bunting, bright colors, and organic body products.]

[Ligonier is so charming.]

[Pretty doors left and right. Can this place be my home someday?]

[Eating a rice krispy treat bigger than my face on the way home, complete with sprinkles - unintentionally matching the card I bought that day.]
After we were done at Ligonier Days, Tyler and I shared a long car ride home with lots of laughter, and then ate takeout on my couch. I loved it. It was a perfect day: a birthday full of little things that meant so much to me. My heart was basically exploding. I also get to see two of my best friends this week to continue the celebration - I cannot contain my excitement!

Birthdays are a great reminder of the little things that are truly important in life: health, good friendships, laughter, and love.

Today, and everyday, I want you to celebrate the little things.


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